Can Dogs Eat Nuts?
Nuts are revered for their various health benefits in human diets. Packed with nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and calcium, nuts can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and promote heart health. But, can dogs partake in these crunchy delights too? The answer isn't as simple as yes or no.
While nuts can serve as a tasty treat for our furry friends due to their potential health benefits, there are certain risks and precautions dog owners should be aware of before sharing this snack. So, let's break down the topic and discover whether or not you should feed your dog nuts.
In this blog post, we'll explore:
- The potential health benefits of nuts
- Whether it's safe to feed your dog nuts
- The types of nuts to avoid
- The risks associated with dogs and nut consumption
- Guidelines on feeding nuts to your dog
Should you feed your dog nuts?
Many nuts are technically safe and non-toxic for dogs as long as they are not mouldy. Given in small amounts, non-toxic nuts (such as roasted chestnuts) can be a great treat for your pet due it’s health benefits.

However, it is important that dogs do not over-indulge in nuts as they contain a high content of fat. Only feed nuts in moderation, to prevent digestive problems and even pancreatitis. There are also nuts that should never be fed to dogs.
Nuts that should be avoided
Here is a list of some common nuts that should be avoided:
Macadamia Nuts
These nuts can be very dangerous to dogs. Ingesting macadamia nuts can cause a high temperature, depression, tremors and muscle weakness.
Raw cashews contain toxins that cause neurological symptoms. Although one or two baked, unsalted and shelled cashews will not cause harm to your fur-baby, the high levels of potassium can cause health problems in dogs with urinary problems.
Some Walnuts
British walnuts are generally safe for dogs to eat. However, black walnuts are very toxic for your pet and can cause the same symptoms as eating macadamia nuts (high temperature, depression, tremors and muscle weakness). Old and mouldy walnuts should also be completely avoided, as it’s hull may contain a neurotoxin called Penitrem A.
Although not toxic, smaller nuts (such as almonds and hazelnut) can pose a choking hazard for your pet due to its size and shape. Flavoured nuts or nut spreads that contain artificial sweeteners (such as Xylitol) should also be avoided, as it may cause intestinal distress and even irritation.
In a nutshell
Nuts can be good for your dog as long as they are non-toxic and fed in moderation. If unsure, always check with your vet for the amount and appropriateness of feeding nuts to your dog. If your dog appears to feel unwell after eating nuts or has eaten a toxic nut, call your vet immediately.
When it comes to treating your pet, it's essential to opt for safe and nutritious options. At The Golden Bone Bakery, we've formulated veterinarian-approved, low-fat biscuits like our Carob & Peanut variety, which are safe, healthy, and most importantly, delicious for your fur baby. If you're uncertain about a particular food, always consult your vet before introducing it into your dog's diet. If your dog has consumed a toxic nut or appears unwell after eating nuts, seek immediate veterinary care.
Discover our diverse range of pet-friendly, nutritious treats at The Golden Bone Bakery. Feed them treats you know are not just delicious but also beneficial for their health.